This Month

These programs are open to the public free of charge. For information on last minute changes or weather-driven cancellations, call the club at (914) 723-0024. Unless otherwise noted, all programs begin at 2 pm.

The Scarsdale Woman’s Club has many other programs for members.


The Glamorous Table: 6 Centuries of Dining Treasures

Wednesday, May 1, 2 pm

London-born Lorella Brocklesby is an adjunct professor of humanities at New York University. She is a cultural historian specializing in architecture, art, theater, decorative arts, and gardens. Lorella has received awards from NYUSPS for excellence in teaching and length of service and is currently offering seminar programs for Smithsonian Institution Associates.

Odell House Restoration and Quilt

Wednesday, May 8, 2 pm

Susan Seal, president of the Friends of the Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters in Hartsdale, will speak about the rescue of a beautiful quilt made by a group of women in the Scarsdale Woman’s Club to celebrate the nation’s bicentennial in 1976. Presented to the then-owners of the Odell House, it was never displayed in the house and was lost for almost 50 years. The Friends found it, brought it back and are restoring it for display in the Odell House Museum. The quilt will be displayed during Susan’s talk. She will also speak about the women who in lived in the house in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Memory, Magic, and the Making of a Novel

Wednesday, May 15, 2 pm

Accomplished novelist, instructor at the Sarah Lawrence Writing Institute and Scarsdale resident Barbara Josselsohn is our presenter. With a background in newspaper reporting, Barbara loves crafting stories about protagonists facing a fork in the road. She is the author of seven novels and has also written hundreds of articles and essays in major and regional publications about family, home and relationships.


Goddesses, Angels and Icons of Inspiration

Wednesday, May 29, 2 pm

Joel Iskowitz, who has been called by the Westminster Mint “the greatest living coin designer in America, if not the world” will open to us the world of coin and medal design. He will display and talk about recent themes he has completed for collectible coins which involved depictions of allegorical figures from antiquity and myth, national symbols and people who have changed and shaped history. He will also explain the process through which an initial idea becomes a finished work of art. Joel has designed many U.S. coins and medals, and is the only American artist to have his portrait of Queen Elizabeth II appear on a British coin.